Friday, January 16, 2009

Close, but no cigar....

Well, we had a close one on Tuesday night. Lychelle starting having regular contractions around 6:00 and we headed out to Hoag around 9:00. Everything seemed good for launch, but the mission was scrubbed by Lexie. She's just not ready to make her debut I guess. All the grandparents came down to the hospital, but instead of a grandaughter all they got was a tour of the mother baby department. Nice views, but not quite the same. At least Lychelle made the Denny's call at 1:00 a.m. Denny's is always best somewhere between midnight and dawn. I wonder why?


  1. It was good practice for all. And I say all the grandparents got an A+.

  2. Even though Lexie didn't make her appearance, we made some memories on Tuesday night! The Dopf/Carlson grandparent alliance is quite a wonderful one, if I do say so myself. :-)
