Sunday, January 11, 2009

No Progress and Monkey Madness

Well, no action yet. Lychelle's magic potion seems to be a big fat failure. She has a doctors appointment tomorrow and the doc might get things moving. We shall see. In the meantime I thought I would show ya around Lexie's nursery. It's 99% complete and the monkeys are starting to take over. My newest project is making shelves for all the monkeys to hang out on so my daughter can have somewhere to sleep, or grab a bite to eat, or be de-stinkafied. Hopefully I can finish up before she decides to make an appearance. In fact gotta go, the stain on my shelves are almost dry and need some love....


  1. the cutest nursery ever! I'm waiting patiently for Lexie to arrive. xoxo

  2. The monkeys are so cute but freaking me out just a little - only becuase Amy's favorite thing growing up was monkeys - they were EVERYWHERE!!! And she had an invisible pet monkey that went wherever she went... crazy... she'll tell you!
