Sunday, January 18, 2009

The tour of Asia continues...

To continue our theme of spicy Asian food we went to dinner at the Tofu House. This time we were not the only white people in the restaurant. There were two others, of course one guy was with his Korean wife, and the other guy was with his Korean buddy, but still it's an improvement. Its nice to see the communities coming together so strongly. The food was great, I highly recommend it, but as of yet it has had no effect on my wife or my daughter. I'm thinking maybe we are barking up the wrong tree. Maybe what Lychelle needs is some bland Irish food...


  1. How about some mashed potatos and gravy. Or some corned beef and cabbage. Or maybe a Hot Fudge Sundae.

  2. My daughter in law is seriously the most adorable preggers girl ever, dontcha think?

  3. A little afternoon delight will usually get the labor pattern going...Good luck and have fun trying.

  4. yayyy! so glad u guys started this thing i had no idea! today is the day and i cant wait!!!

  5. Alexis Michelle Carlson made her debut, very glorously, on January 21, 2009. She weighs 8 lbs 2 oz, 21 inches long! She is spectacularly beautiful and perfect. Seriously! She is! I know I'm prejudiced, but still...the whole family is doing very well, and will be going home tomorrow. I'm sur Michael will be updating this blog very soon with 100's of pics! For those you who have not met our prepared to fall in love!
