Thursday, January 29, 2009

-------------Mommy's gone!

Well, Lychelle left me and Lexie alone today. In fact as I write this she is out on the town literally kicking up her heals getting a pedicure. I don't know what made her think that we ready for the this challenge, but I guess there's only one way to learn to swim, jump in a start paddling! I'm not going to lie, the road started off a little bumpy. A bit of a diaper blowout and Lexie was not pleased with the soiling of her outfit, but with a quick wardrobe change a few laps of the house calming her down we are doing pretty good now, knock on wood. I figure only another 45 minutes until mom gets back home so it looks like were going to make it. Another trial completed. Good job Lexie!


  1. You were up to the challenge as a Daddy, Michael - Good for you!
    One of my favorite tales of you and your Uncle Rick, was when he volunteered to take care of you while your mom and I went to a Fashion Show. Your were just a couple of weeks old, and Rick was 19. All was just fine when we returned home and you were sleeping. Your mom took you home, and shortly afterward phoned me laughing to tell me that Uncle Rick had carefully changed your diaper and wound duct tape around it to keep it in place. Disposable diapers did not have the self sealing tabs on them at that time, and safety pins were used. Rick later told us that he was afraid he would stick you with the pin, and so he got out the duct tape and it did the job! So, in caring for a baby, follow your Uncle Rick's lead and just use your head. You will be a perfect Daddy ! Congratulations on your first one on one time with your adorable daughter.

  2. hahah best story above... ok first of all, she totally looks like your dad! No joke i see so much eric in her its crazy!!! number two, u never told me you work out with Alberto and Amy!! small world huh!!! so crazy!! o and by the way, good job dad! we knew you would be ok ;)

  3. The story of Uncle Rick and the taped diaper is one of my all time favorites. I told this story to my office mates just this week. Priceless!

  4. Lots of people have mentioned that Lexie has the Carlson look. I think so too, but I can also see Lychelle there. Whatever, she sure is BEAUTIFUL!! good genes on both sides of the family.

  5. I knew you could do it Dad. You're doing a great job. Lexie was testing you.

  6. I think she is a beautiful blend of two very beautiful parents! I'm so looking forward to holding her! I'm proud of you Michael... you done good!!! And I'm proud you Lychelle, that you care about how your toes look, and more importantly, got outta the house for a minute!! Way to go!
